Feeling Stress?

Repeat in your mind:

Protect Everyone Everywhere Everywhen.

The Universe is Listening.


This mantra/prayer casts protection over every being in the multiverse.

The ‘Universe’ can agree with this request more easily than when we simply ask for protection over just ourselves or just our family and friends.

How to make it more powerful:

Practice vegetarianism. Do not participate in the harm of any creatures.

As ancient wisdom says: ‘The prayers of a righteous person are powerful and effective.’ When we are not harming other creatures, then we are living a more righteous lifestyle that the ‘Universe’ can agree with.

For even more power:

Practice sustainable living. Minimize your negative impact on Earth’s resources.

When we are protecting the environment, then we are living a more righteous lifestyle that the ‘Universe’ can agree with.

What could be coming:

Karma. Humans currently degrade the environment and treat other creatures poorly.

If humans cannot prove their ability to solve these problems, then a more advanced civilization may decide to step in and wipe out every human that is contributing to the problem (likely via some form of viral disease).

The opportunity:

Immortality, Reversed Aging, etc. This mantra/prayer could have many benefits.

Since this mantra/prayer casts protection over every being in the multiverse, if enough people repeat it, then these words could potentially help each of us (and our civilization) overcome any existential threats.

How you can help:

Spread the word #ProtectEveryone and donate.

Share this website on social media and include the above mantra/prayer hashtag in your posts to help make it a popular trend. You can also donate to help us advertise this message on social media. Every $5 dollars donated amplifies your spiritual voice (24/7) by helping our mantra/prayer advertisements reach millions on social media.

The 1-Week Challenge:

Repeat this mantra/prayer for one week to see if it helps your unique situation.

In theory, this mantra/prayer can help solve just about anything, so give it a try for one week. Remember to not participate in the harm of any creatures (which includes not eating them). If this helps you, then consider taking some burden off your mind by donating to allow our 24/7 running ads to amplify your voice at all times ... ‘everywhen’.

If paying for multiple people, please *ask* them first because *their decision* ties their spiritual voice to the prayer ads.